Good Inside
Dr. Becky Kennedy
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About the Book
Audiobook Duration
hours and
Kindle Pages
Hardcover Pages
Dr. Becky Kennedy
Dr. Rebecca Kennedy is a clinical psychologist and mom of three, recently named "The Millennial Parenting Whisperer" by TIME Magazine, who's rethinking the way we raise our children. She specializes in thinking deeply about what's happening for kids and translating these ideas into simple, actionable strategies for parents to use in their homes. Dr. Becky's goal is to empower parents to feel sturdier and more equipped to manage the challenges of parenting.
Disclaimer: This is a third-party book that we recommend based on our work experience and decided to share with parents and caregivers. NeuroDverse is not responsible for any issues, during or after the sales process of this book, please verify all details with the seller and contact them if you have any questions about the book.